Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sequencing Paint.NET 3.X

Type of Sequencing : MNT
Sequencer : 4.6(x64)
OS : Win7

Issue : There are three errors you may get while sequencing paint.net

Error 1 : The below screen shot error is thrown when the shortcut is launched during monitoring phase.

Error 2 : After stop monitoring it fails to capture the WinSxS components.

Error 3 : The below error is thrown in launch phase and the same when tested on client machine as well.

We tried to sequence on WinXP with all the redistributables and deployed on Win7 but with no success.

Solution : The below methods helped us to make the Paint.Net application to be sequenced successfully:

1) Edited the MSI to remove x86 manifest components
2) Prior to monitoring exclude CSIDL_Desktop, Windows\Installer and disable system restore.
3) Install the modified msi with  CHECKFORUPDATES=0 as a parameter
4) Dont launch the shortcut during monitoring phase
5) Stop monitor
6) Begin monitor
7) Launch the shortcut

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sequencing BRR Fix 3.0

Type of Sequencing : MNT
Sequencer : 4.6(x64)
OS : Win7

Issue : The application should launch the exe located in the mapped Z: drive and we need to create another shortcut to launch the BRR folder from the Z Drive

Solution : Sequence the application and edit the FILENAME="Z:\BRR\BRR_Update.exe" in OSD
and for the second issue perform the following things as given below:
1) Make a copy of the already existing OSD
2) Edit the Copied OSD with new Package Name and version
3) Edit the entries inside the SPRJ with new OSD name
4) Edit the OSD to point to the folder location as below
FILENAME = "%systemroot%\explorer.exe" PARAMETERS="Z:\BRR\"

Sequencing Oracle ODBC Administartor 12.0

Type of Sequencing : MNT
Sequencer : 4.6(x86)
OS : Win7

Error : When the ODBC Admin shortcut is launched it throws the below following error

Solution : To solve the above problem, Add the below to the OSD File

Friday, February 18, 2011

Sequencing IManager Worksite 8.5

Type of Sequencing : MNT
Sequencer : 4.6(x64)
OS : Win7

Issue : The application when launched opens a server prompt and when the user  logs in creates a folder under C:\NTECHO and saves some files. The user wanted the folder to be created on the local machine but the application was creating a folder inside the virtual bubble

Solution : 1) Open the package for upgrade and delete the C:\NTECHO folder from the Virtual Files tab.
2) Edit the OSD to create the NTECHO folder in C drive as shown below:

Sequencing Nice Screen Agent 8.1.0

Type of Sequencing : MNT
Sequencer : 4.6(x64)
OS : Win7

Issue : The application fails to view some local registries from the virtual bubble

Solution : Since the application already has the HKLM\Software\NSAC inside the virtual bubble it was overriding the local registies. The virtual application should see the Region key  value under HKLM\Software\NSAC from the local registries. Open the package for upgrade Go To-> Package Configuration Wizard->Virtual Registry->  and change the particular key HKLM\Software\NSAC to Merge with local key.

Sequencing NBalance 6.0

Type of Sequencing : MNT
Sequencer : 4.6(x64)
OS : Win7

Error : The application shortcut throws a "Working Directory Name Invalid" error

Solution : Edit the OSD file to remove " ~" under filename %SFT_Program_Files~%

Sequencing Prosoft SOA Test 6.2

Type of Sequencing : MNT
Sequencer : 4.6(x64)
OS : Win7

Issue : When the application is launched by default it takes the sequencer admin profile path in the prompt window.

Solution : Don't launch the shortcut during monitoring phase and launch phase

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sequencing Jasc PaintShopPro 8.0

Type of Sequencing : MNT
Sequencer : 4.6(x86)
OS : Win7

Error : There are two issues when the application is launched
1) The first error is the working directory invalid error:

2) The second error is as shown below:

Solution :
1) Set the working directory properly
2) Remove %USERPROFILE%\My documents from exclusion items or add these files as in active upgrade
3) Check for the correct path after launching the shortcut under File->Preferences->File Locations   

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sequencing Clarity Workbench 7.0

Type of Sequencing : MNT
Sequencer : 4.6(x86)
OS : Win7
Error: The application throws the below following error when launched:

Solution : During capturing phase give the path of the location of library files inside Q: drive
Launch the shortcut ->Go to Tools -> Options - >Locations
Below following window will be displayed:

Edit all the path of the locations to point to Q drive

Sequencing BPC SqueezeItPlus 1.2

Type of Sequencing : MNT
Sequencer : 4.6(x86)
OS : Win7
Error : When application is launched it throws the below following error:

Solution : The main EXE internally calls another exe GSW32.exe. So we can solve this issue in two ways:

1) During Configuration phase add GSW32.exe as a shortcut and edit the OSD as shown below:

   <SCRIPTBODY LANGUAGE="Batch">sfttray /launch "Graphics Server"</SCRIPTBODY>
   <SCRIPTBODY LANGUAGE="Batch">taskkill /IM Gsw32.exe</SCRIPTBODY>

2) Add a pre-Launch script inside the OSD to run GSW32.exe

   <SCRIPTBODY LANGUAGE="Batch">path of Gsw32.exe</SCRIPTBODY>

Sequencing StreetSmartPro 2011

Type of Sequencing : MNT
Sequencer : 4.6(x64)
OS : Win7

Error : When application is launched it throws an error which says " that you have encountered a serious error" .

Solution : The application has compatibility issues it has to be run on WinXPSP3 mode add the below following key inside the bubble while capturing or add the key through OSD scripting.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers
Data Type reg_SZ
Name:  Path of the exe for which compatibilty issue is there .i.e (Q:\8.3Folder structure\vfs\csidl_Program_files\name of EXE)
Value : WINXPSP3

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sequencing Attachmate Reflection 14.X

Type of Sequencing : MNT
Sequencer : 4.6(x64)
OS : Win7

Error : When tried sequencing VFS the application launch throws an error which says " The application failed to initiate please reinstall the application"

Solution :
1) Remove all items from Exclusion items
2) Do MNT sequencing

Sequencing VMWare View Client 4.5

Type of Sequencing : MNT
Sequencer : 4.6(x64)
OS : Win7

Error : When application is launched you get a error which says " VMWare View Client could not find the plugin path. Please re-install the application"

Solution : The sequencer fails to capture the registries going under HLM\Software\Syswow64\Vmware resulting in failure of the application launch. Export the registry entries and run it inside the OSD Script as shown below:

<SCRIPTBODY>Regedit.exe /s "%SFT_MNT%\8.3\*.reg</SCRIPTBODY>

Note: Manually adding the registries from the virtual registry tab in package configuration wizard did not work as the registries were not reflected in the client machine.

Sequencing Logtech LAS Tools Pro 6.0

Type of Sequencing : MNT
Sequencer : 4.6(x86)
OS : Win7

Error : The application makes an entry Under Users\yourusername \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo but this will not work when the entry is in the bubble.

Solution : Edit the OSD to copy the lnk file to the local machine as shown below :

<SCRIPTBODY>if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\Las.lnk" copy "Q:\8.3\LAS.lnk" "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\"</SCRIPTBODY>

Note : The only issue with this solution is that the SendTo functionality will work only when the application is launched.